
Crackdown 3 will release on February 15 2019

I feel like I’ve read this post before, but last night at XO18, Microsoft confirmed that Crackdown 3 WILL release on February 15.

Abrand new game mode was also revealed, it will be called, Wrecking Zone, a 5vs5 multiplayer death match player while the destructible world crashes down around your ears. As you can see from the video it could be a lot fun to play.

After all the delays I really hope this game turns out to be fun, in the meantime, Crackdown, the Xbox 360 title is now free for everyone to download and experience.

Dave Moran
Hello! I'm the owner and Editor-in-Chief of the site. I play too much Rocket League (and Fortnite for that matter) and I wish I was better at Rainbow Six Siege!

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